Year End Resort Area Market Stats
Single Family Homes – TSales on 11 Kohanaiki homes closed in 2024, with prices ranging from $4.95M to $14.5M. The homes averaged a 100.18% Sale/Current Price or $9,071,543.73 and were on the market for an average of 9 days. The price per square foot, land/building, averaged out at $3,069.
Condominium Sales – Nineteen residences classified as condominiums closed at Kohanaiki in 2024. Sale prices ranged from $4.2M to $6.4M with the Sale/Current price averaging 98.49% or $4,904,473.69. The homes spent an average of 13 days on the market with a price per square foot of $1,898.
Single Family Homes – Sales on eight homes closed in Kūki`o during 2024 with sale prices ranging from $9.3M to $36.5M. This is an average of $19,375,000 or 91.43% of the Sale/Current Price. The residences spent an average of 97 days on the market and the average price per square foot, land/building, was $4,065..
Condominium – There were no condo sales in 2024, below are end-of-year stats for 2023.
Hualālai Resort
Single Family Homes – Twelve residences sold in Hualālai Resort in 2024. Prices ranged from $7.250M to $23M, with an average sales price of $11,225,833.42, or 97.99% of Sale/Current Price. The homes averaged 38 days on the market and average price per square foot, land/building, was $2,858.
Condominium Sales – Sales on 12 condominiums closed at Hualālai in 2024, with prices ranging from $3M to $10.625M; the average sales price was $4,803,416.67. The units spent an average of 1 day on the market, commanding an average of 101.88% of Sale/Current Price. Per square foot prices averaged out at $1,906.
Waikoloa Beach Resort
Condominium Sales – Condominium sales led the way at Waikoloa Beach Resort with 54 sales closing in 2024. Sales Prices ranged from $700,000 to $3.1M, averaging out at $1,254,527.78, with the Sale/Current Price at 98.31%. The units spent an average of 39 days on the market; cost per square foot averaged out at $954.
Mauna Lani Resort
Single Family Homes – Six home sales recorded in Mauna Lani Resort during 2024, with prices ranging from $3.81M to $21M, averaging $7,247,500, or 97.97% of the Sale/Current Price. The homes were on the market an average of 96 days and the average price per square foot, land/building, was $2,047.
Condominium Sales – Mauna Lani Resort neighborhoods were popular with buyers in 2024 and ended the year with 48 closings on condominiums. Sales prices ranged from $1.165M to $5.7M, averaging out at $2,199,750 or 98.02% of the Sale/Current Price. The units spent an average of 55 days on the market and price per square foot averaged at $1,107.
Mauna Kea Resort
Single Family Homes – Five home sales closed in Mauna Kea Resort in 2024 with prices ranging from $5.1M to $8.995M. The Sale/Current price averaged 94.82% or $6,589,000. The residences spent an average of 146 days on market and the average price per square foot, land/building, was $1,981.
Condos – Sales on eight condominiums in Mauna Kea Resort closed in 2024. Sales prices ranged from $1.725M to $7.1M, with an average price of $3.605M or 98.84% of the Sale/Current price. The homes were on the market for an average of 36 days and the price per square foot for the units averaged at $1,627.
Statistics provided courtesy of Hawai`i Information Service