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Been told your credit score is not good enough?

by | Feb 12, 2010 | Buying, Financing, Hawaii Real Estate, Investing | 0 comments

So you are sitting on the sidelines right now missing out of the $8000 First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit because someone at the bank told you that your score was not good enough to buy right now. The banker probably did not provide much more information other than you “need to fix your credit and pay your bills on time” if you want to buy a house.

What are you supposed to do get started on that path of homeownership? Are you going to try to figure this credit fix stuff out on your own? Worst yet hire a credit repair firm and pay thousands of dollars for them to make money and show meager results? Or just continue to sit on the sidelines and rent and miss out probably one of the best buying opportunities in the past 30 years?

Here is a fact, 78% of the people who decide to buy a home ultimately by a home with 5 years of making that decision to buy. So the question is really not “IF” you are going to buy a home but “WHEN” are you going to buy a home. Problem is that most bankers and their loan officers don’t get this concept. They just see the never ending supply of other customers coming through the door and move onto the next customer. You are left to fend for yourself.

I have over 15 years of credit scoring and repair expertise. I have moved credit scores by over 100 points in 30 days. In addition, I have saved client tens of thousands of dollars is educating them on how to work out settlements with past due accounts. Before you give up on your dream of homeownership, get a second opinion on your credit. Your dream may be closer than you think!

Andy Jorgensen

Sr. Loan Originator

Guild Mortgage Company

7951 E. Maplewood Ave. Suite 290

Greeenwood Village, CO 80111

Mortgage Originator License #MB100011854

303-753-9135 or 888-333-6944 office

303-753-8747 or 888-999-3594 fax

303-810-1191 cell

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