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January Market Stats for Big Island Resort Areas

January Market Stats for Big Island Resort Areas

Single sales in most of the resorts was the norm during January, the exception being Waikoloa Beach Resort where six condominium sales closed. Kohanaiki recorded one home sale and one condominium sale and three of the other resorts – Mauna Kea, Hualālai and Kūki`o...
Migration Patterns

Migration Patterns

By Dan Polimino OK, I admit it. I am a bit of a data geek. Well, that’s incorrect because that’s like being a little pregnant; you either are or you aren’t, and I am a data geek. I like statistics, I like numbers, I like flow charts. Data helps me get a great picture...
February’s Featured Restaurants and Activities

February’s Featured Restaurants and Activities

Featured Restaurants Kona Village Resort is open to the community for dining! Reserve a table for a beautiful dining experience at the oceanfront resort’s Kahuwai Cookhouse or Moana Restaurant. Moana honors the historic fishing village which once thrived a Ka`ūpūlehu...
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