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October 2023 Market Stats for Big Island Resort Areas

October 2023 Market Stats for Big Island Resort Areas

The slower season for the real estate market continued in October with very few sales in the resort communities up and down the Kohala Coast. Just five condominiums sold in October; Mauna Lani led the way with four of those sales. A sole condominium sale occurred in...
High Value Service

High Value Service

These days, consumers are more value conscious than ever and never more than in the real estate market. Homeowners are quick to point out the commission real estate agents make and want to know they are REALLY getting value in return. A lot of agents either can’t or...
Market Stats for the Big Island in September 2023

Market Stats for the Big Island in September 2023

September represented the slower season for the real estate market with continued light sales in the resort communities up and down the Kohala Coast. Condominiums, with their potential for vacation rental, continue to be the popular choice for buyers, with a total of...
End of Third Quarter Market Outlook – 2023

End of Third Quarter Market Outlook – 2023

By Dan Polomino This past August, I was in Austin, Texas for Keller Williams’ annual Mega Camp Conference. Mega Camp is held every year in Austin, the headquarters of Keller Williams, for the purpose of educating and strategizing with top producing agents in the...
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