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Choosing Kitchen Appliances

Whether you’re thinking about remodeling your kitchen in order to put your home on the market or you’re buying a new home and need appliances, the decision for what to buy is a big one. With so many choices available and much money involved, you...

Selller Funded Down Payment Assistance Going Bye-Bye

I have been telling buyers now is the time to buy particularly if you were looking for help from sellers in the form of seller-funded down payment assistance. Read below from the Poughkeepsie Journal: Housing industry observers expect that prospective buyers will...

Is The Suburban Sprawl Over

There’s no question that this summer’s gas prices have taken a chunk out of everyone’s wallet. We’re no different. This is the first time I can remember that our family has made a concerted effort not to use the car. We’ve...

A Creative Buying Strategy

I recently crossed paths with a gentleman executing a creative buying tactic. Since it’s a buyers’ market, he figured this would be his opportunity to cash in on a great deal. So he came up with an innovative plan for getting what he wanted. First,...

Some Buyers Asking For A Sleep Over First

This is a risky proposition, but in this market I think you have to try everything. With that said make sure you read the last line of the article about talking with your insurer and attorney before trying this. Reality TV shows like HGTV’s “Sleep On It”...

Home Ownership Falling

A few weeks agao I wrote on this blog that now was the time to invest in apartments. If you have some disposal income and are looking for opportunities in this market why not take a look at apartments. Here is some data from the census bureau on home ownership...
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