The Window Of Opprtunity For First Time Home Buyers Is Getting Smaller
For those you First Time Home Buyers out in the market place looking for your first home, you know that homes in the $200,000 and under price range are selling in days (sometimes hours) and not weeks or months. The current low interest rate environment along with the...The Chasm
It’s safe to say that there has never been a bigger chasm between seller and buyer than what we are experiencing right now. Sellers are getting offers anywhere from 10K off their asking price to several hundred thousand dollars off their asking price. So where...The Bearer of Bad News
Lately, we (realtors) have the unenviable task of being the bearers of bad news. It seems more than ever we are having conversations with people about what the market is telling us regarding the price of their home, or we are talking to sellers about lowering the...Home Owners Insurance Goes Up While Your Home Value Goes Down
Homebuyers may be surprised to find that homeowners insurance isn’t going down, despite precipitous declines in sale prices.