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It Pays To Be Flexible

The story goes like this. An agent with buyers wants to see a home on short notice. The sellers have indicated in the MLS they need a 24-hour notice for showings. But the buying agent asks the selling agent if they can see the house with only a two-hour notice. The...

Trading Places

Trading homes is not a new idea, but in this economy it is becoming a more valuable option. I know a builder that had a custom home for sale last year. Some potential buyers wanted it but needed to sell their home first. The builder took a look at the buyers’...

How Low Should You Go?

Most people don’t want to buy in the low. They want to sharp shoot for the bottom. But let’s face it. If you can predict the market’s bottom and buy at the perfect time, you’re either clairvoyant or have impeccable timing. In all...
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