by Dan Polimino | Jul 25, 2008 | Hawaii Real Estate
Be careful when shopping on craigslist. See this weeks article from Barbara Ross and Dave Goldiner at the NY Daily News. Four real estate scam artists used Craigslist to defraud thousands of apartment hunters in New York City out of a total of $1 million over nearly...
by Dan Polimino | Jul 17, 2008 | Hawaii Real Estate
If you are thinking about buying or selling a house you might want to check this list first beacuse you’ll want to avoid these types of Realtors. Of course, you aim to be highly regarded by both clients and colleagues as effective, professional, and ethical. So...
by Dan Polimino | Jul 10, 2008 | Hawaii Real Estate
Ok take a look at this article this week from Jeannine Aversa at the Associated Press. I would truly like to know your thoughts on who would do a better job at handling the housing crisis. Please leave your comments below after reading the article. Which candidate...
by Dan Polimino | May 29, 2008 | Hawaii Real Estate
The settlement between the DOJ and NAR may mean you have to register first before using the search features of the this web site. I’ll keep you posted as we learn more, but here is the latest from Mondays ruling. NAR has reached a favorable settlement with the...
by Dan Polimino | Apr 16, 2008 | Hawaii Real Estate
For readers to my blog I would be interested in finding out what you thought of this plan. Should the government buy troubled loans? Below is the news story from Reuters. A plan by congressional Democrats to aid underwater home owners by having the government buy...
by Dan Polimino | Mar 19, 2008 | Hawaii Real Estate
Saw this article on and was remineded on what good advice it is. For those having a hard time selling their homes don’t forget the rent option…read below. If a house doesn’t sell, owners should consider renting – and hiring a real...