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If It Ain’t Broke, Break it

I carved out this one paragraph Marc Davison wrote on his 1000watt consulting blog on real estate. Marc was scribbling thoughts of what could be and should be in real estate. As I read the last paragraph I realized what Marc was talking about could be anything. It...

Will You Google Your Next Home?

A lot of people – techno geeks, real estate folks and Web developers among them – are watching and waiting for the next big thing to come out of Google’s corporate offices. That “thing” just may be Google Real Estate. By all accounts, Google will...

What You Really Want From Your Agent

This past December I interviewed Anne Randolph of Murray Consulting, and I must say she gave me much food for thought. My primary question for Anne: What is the number one thing consumers want from their transaction with real estate agents? I was sure that getting the...
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