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The Chasm

It’s safe to say that there has never been a bigger chasm between seller and buyer than what we are experiencing right now. Sellers are getting offers anywhere from 10K off their asking price to several hundred thousand dollars off their asking price. So where...

Communication & Expectations

Without a doubt, communication and expectations are two of the biggest problems we have in real estate today. By no means does real estate corner the market on a lack of communication or failure to manage expectations, but these are two topics that seem to come up a...


The story goes like this: A friends of mine who is a mortgage lender was really upset and was having a horrible week when I called. It turns out that he got involved in a loan transaction for some questionable people (both the buyer and real estate agent). Now, what...

It Pays To Be Flexible

The story goes like this. An agent with buyers wants to see a home on short notice. The sellers have indicated in the MLS they need a 24-hour notice for showings. But the buying agent asks the selling agent if they can see the house with only a two-hour notice. The...
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